What's On My Plate

Monday, November 28, 2011

Like takeout in your crockpot

Every time I order thai food.  Well, almost every time, I order pork panang curry.  I can't get away from it because I love it so much.  And here it is!  In my crock pot!  Woot!

OK.  Here are the ingredients

1 cup of diced onions
1 butternut squash peeled and diced
1 red bell pepper
1 bunch fresh cilantro
4 cloves of garlic
1 cup of peanut butter
2 cans of coconut milk
1 jar of Thai Red Curry Sauce
1 jar of curry simmer sauce
1 tblspn cumin
1 tblspn cinnamon
1 tblspn ginger
juice from half a lime
2 lbs of chicken (boneless skinless)

Dice the onions, squash, red pepper and chicken.  Toss it in the crock pot.  Then throw in the garlic, cinnamon, ginger, and cumin.  Scrape in the peanut butter and pour in the Thai Red Curry Sauce, the Curry Simmer Sauce, and the coconut milk.  The juice from the half a lime gets squeezed on top and add the cilantro in the last 2 hours.   The whole thing gets cooked on high for about 5 hours.  Cook up some rice.  Pour it over the top and voila.  YUM.

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